August 26–27, Czech Republic
17th World Rogaining Championships
Welcome to the WRC 2022 website. I would like to invite you to the 17th World Rogaining Championships; the 3rd World Rogaining Championships hosted by the Czech Republic. The event will take place in the marvelous landscape of the mountain ridge of Králický Sněžník and Rychleby Mountains along the Czech-Polish border.
The COVID panepidemic presents a challenge for the organizers and participants alike, nevertheless, we hope the conditions at the end of the summer 2022 will allow all of us to enjoy the event safely. In light of the expected COVID outbreak during the upcoming northern hemisphere winter, we are going to accept basic entry fee up to May 31, 2022.
I wish you all the best and I look forward to seeing you in the Paprsek resort!
Jan Tojnar, WRC 2022 Director
August 31, 2022
We’re delighted to present you a drone video from WRC 2022.

August 30, 2022
Play map – website for uploading or manual drawing of a more precise route
In order to improve the route analysis you can now, if you want, on the Play Map website upload your more precise GPS log to replace the one produced by “Follow me” tracking system provided by organizer. You can also draw your route manually (recommended for 6 hour rogaine only).
Push your limits
There are only few wilderness areas in Central Europe left, but landscape of the mountain ridge of Králický Sněžník and Rychleby Mountains is definitely one of them. You can move in area more than 200 km2 and not see a single village. Experience the adventure of 17th World Rogaining Championship in this virgin nature along the Czech-Polish border.
Competition area
Find out more about the terrain of WRC 2022